Localization for your Express Applications

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Getting Started is Easy

Install the TML Express Package

npm install "tml-express" --save

Configure the SDK

var express       = require('express');
var cookieParser  = require('cookie-parser');
var tml           = require('tml-express');
var app = express();
  key   : "YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY"

Use the TML Helpers:Use helper tags and wrap your strings with "tr" function:

  <%- tml_scripts_tag %>

  // Add a language selector
  <%- tml_language_selector_tag("default") %>
  // Use "tr" function with your strings
  <%- tr("Hello World") %> //Hello World
  <%- tr("You have {count || message}", {count: 5}) %> //You have 5 messages

Manage your entire localization efforts in one place

Keep track of your localization progress

Get detailed reports on how your localization and translation are progressing.

Choose how you want to translate

Invite your own translators or order professional translations from our network of 15,000+ on-demand translators with just a few clicks.

View all your translated content in one place

Access all your digital content from our dashboard and review your latest translations

Translation Exchange works with all major languages and frameworks

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And seamlessly integrates with many major web based platforms.

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